Industry: Plant home decor
Company: Mossimag
Position: Co-founder
Geography: Romania
“Do what you like, and you won’t have to work a single day in your life” — this famous quote sums up an approach to business used by Anna Rozalia, the founder of Mossimag. Mossimag is a small business that deals with plant-based home decor. In an interview to ZenBusiness, Anna Rozalia talks about how she found her niche, as well as how to attract loyal customers and put your business out there.
What inspired you to start your own business?
I think everything happens for a reason. I was out of a job. I was staying at home taking care of my plants. One day I came across an article on green walls, and I decided to order a box of reindeer moss to decorate my room. My husband encouraged me, so I made more decorations for my family and friends. My new hobby took over me quickly, and in a few months I was already looking for a logo for my new business. I honestly think anyone can start a business. You don’t need experience for that. What you truly need is to believe in yourself and be persistent. There can be times when you get knocked down but you have to keep getting back up. When you feel like quitting, that’s the moment when you actually need to keep going, and one day you’ll be grateful.

Home decor is an extremely competitive field. However, you managed to find a unique niche. Why did you decide to go specifically with plant decor?
Because I love nature. When I am around plants and flowers, I feel alive. There are many reasons why you should use plants to decorate your house. Through my creations, I bring nature into my clients’ homes and make the space come to life. I make my frames from preserved plants which are 100% natural plants (a unique preservation technique is used to keep plants and flowers from withering and make them look fresh throughout the years. — ZenBusiness.) It’s a great option for people who love natural decor but don’t have the time to take care of their plants.

How long does it take to make a frame? What materials and tools do you use?
It depends on how sophisticated the frame is. Before you start, it’s important to estimate how much time you’ll need to complete the job. It may take from a few hours to a few days or even weeks. Basically, to create a plant frame, you need hot glue, preserved moss, and some dry materials.

How big is your current team? How are the responsibilities divided within your team? Who deals with the creative part, and who takes care of marketing, finances and legal issues?
At the moment, it’s just me and my husband but we’re looking to grow our team. I am the heart of Mossimag, if I can say that. I make plant frames, order materials, and deal with suppliers and customers. My goal is to meet and exceed customer expectations. If a person is happy with my work, they’re more likely to become a loyal customer. As for my husband, he’s the mastermind behind Mossimag. He’s the one who takes action, plans ahead, and faces challenges. He’s always finding solutions to problems and looking for new growth opportunities.
What marketing tools are you using? Which marketing tool drives most customers to your business?
There are so many tools and tricks that a business owner can benefit from. Currently we’re using social media to get in touch with our target audience. My favorite social network is Facebook. I think that a Facebook page is a great marketing tool for businesses. It allows you to share images, links, videos, and more. I recommend using Facebook Insights to find out what resonates most with your audience. Also, there’s a bunch of other Facebook tools that you can make good use of. (Read our guide on how to use Facebook to grow your business. — ZenBusiness.).
Have you made any mistakes in running your business? If so, could you share some of them? What would you change now if you could?
Now that I think back on it, I once underestimated the amount of time I needed to finish one of my frames. Luckily, I realized that before the deadline and asked my husband to help me with the frame. I managed to deliver the order on time but it was a valuable lesson. I started to plan my schedule more carefully. We are all humans and we make mistakes, but I think it’s important to own it and be able to ask for help or apologize. Also, it’s important to learn from your mistakes and try to avoid them in the future.
Do you have any plans regarding the growth and scaling of your business?
Yes, we’re going to expand our team. We’re looking for inspired and motivated people. We need a bigger team to leave a beautiful mark in this world.
Can you give 3 tips to people who dream of opening a home decor business of their own?
In a home decor business, you need to put all your energy and time into something you’re truly passionate about. If you do that with love, your business will be a success and you’ll also inspire people around you.
1. I’d recommend finding a name for your business that stands out. It must be meaningful and easy to remember. A good slogan is also important.
2. You must have crafty skills, open mind, patience, and focus. Plus, you need to know your target audience and their needs.
3. Use social media to showcase your creations to the world. Always strive for diversity and authenticity in your products. However, the best promotion for your business is your customers’ testimonials and word of mouth. People trust recommendations from a friend or family member more than any form of advertising!