Add domain name privacy to prevent your personal contact information from becoming public.
Domain name privacy replaces your personal information with the details of your domain registrar so all your information is kept private from spammers, scammers, and other solicitations.
Privacy shield
Protect your contact info (address, phone number, name, etc) from being publicly available with a domain privacy shield.
Prevent spam & scams
Control spam or junk mail and prevent firms from capturing or scraping your info to scam you or sell it to others.
Limit solicitations
Block potential companies that use your WHOIS info from trying to solicit and sell you unwanted products and services.
Add domain privacy
Prevent spams, scams, and solicitations.
How it works
Add domain name privacy to keep your personal information and address private.
Add privacy to your domain name registration for any new or existing business.
Our team will register your domain name with privacy on the WHOIS directory.
You can rest easy knowing you’re protected from spam, scams, and solicitations.
Every domain name owner must pass along their information to the ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) WHOIS directory so they can maintain a record of every domain name and who runs it.
Your WHOIS listing makes your contact information (name, phone number, address, etc) publicly available to anyone who looks for it online. Domain name privacy shields this contact information from the public and replaces it with the details of your domain registrar instead.