How to File Articles of Incorporation in Wyoming

Elevate your business in Wyoming by strategically filing your Articles of Incorporation. Explore our guide for seamless navigation and success in the dynamic Cowboy State business landscape.

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You’re ready to start your corporation, but aren’t sure where to start? First, all Wyoming corporations must file Articles of Incorporation. All business formation documents are governed by the Wyoming Secretary of State (SOS). Only after the state has approved you as a legal business entity should you carry on with your business operations.

Your Wyoming Articles of Incorporation must be in compliance with Wyoming Statutes 17-16-101 through Wyoming Statutes 17-16-1804. Read the statutes to ensure that you’re eligible to file

How to Complete the Wyoming Articles of Incorporation Form

You can file the Articles of incorporation through the Wyoming SOS website, by mail, or in person. The most convenient way is to visit the website, fill out the form, and complete the payment.

Filling the Form

Domestic (In-State) For-Profit Corporation

Those looking to form a corporation in the state of Wyoming must submit their Wyoming Articles of Incorporation with the following information:

  • Name of the business
  • Name and address of Incorporators
  • Signature of incorporators
  • Name and address of the registered agent
  • Number of shares to be issued
  • Classes and number of initial shares

You’ll have to attach the Consent Form of the Registered Agent. The agent receives legal and government documents and must be present at a registered office standard business hours in the state of Wyoming.

The Consent Form will consist of the following information:

  • Name of agent
  • Registered office location
  • Name of business entity
  • Signature
  • Contact details
  • Mailing address

Foreign (Out-of-State) For-Profit Corporation

For a foreign corporation, the procedure is a little different. The business entity will have to file a Certificate of Authority with the state of Wyoming.

The application should also contain the original Certificate of Good Standing or Existence. The certificate should be signed by the SOS of the state of origin and should be dated less than one month before filing in Wyoming.

The certificate should contain the following details:

  • Name of the corporation as incorporated
  • Incorporated under the laws of which country or state
  • Date of incorporation
  • Period of duration (intended duration of existence)
  • The mailing address of the corporation
  • Principal office address
  • Name and physical address of the registered agent
  • Names and business addresses of current officers and directors
  • The date on which the corporation will begin to do business in Wyoming
  • Signature
  • Contact details

The Consent to Appointment by a Registered Agent should also be filled out along with the Certificate of Authority.

Optional/Supplemental Details in your Articles of Incorporation

Your Articles of Incorporation can also contain the following optional details:

  • Purpose of your corporation
  • Names and addresses of initial directors
  • The value of shares
  • The limitations of personal liabilities of the directors

Selecting a Business Name

For both types of corporations, the state requires a unique business name that isn’t being used by any other Wyoming business. The Wyoming SOS website has a search function for available business names in the state.

If you find a suitable available business name but aren’t ready to incorporate yet, ZenBusiness offers a name reservation service to secure your name so no one else takes it while you’re gathering your paperwork.

Submitting Your Articles of Incorporation

Filing by Mail

Wyoming Secretary of State
Herschler Building East, Suite 101
122 W 25th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0020


By mail, send the Articles of Incorporation with your signed consent form by the registered agent, and payment to the address above. For a foreign corporation, send your Certificate of Authority, a signed consent form by the registered agent, and payment to the address above.

On approval, your corporation will be registered as a legal entity, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Formation from the State of Wyoming.

Note: A foreign corporation will have to attach a Certificate of Good Standing (CGS) along with the consent form.

Once you’ve submitted your Articles of Incorporation, you’ll want to make sure you stay in good standing. Take a look at our Worry Free Compliance service to see how we can help take some of the stress of running a corporation off your shoulders.

Fee for Filing Articles of Incorporation

There’s an agency fee for filing Articles of Incorporation, and the usual processing period is three to five business days. You’ll also have to pay a small convenience fee for using the website. There’s no expedited service available for filing the Articles of Incorporation.


This guide covers the procedures involved in filing your Wyoming Articles of Incorporation. If you’re overwhelmed or under time constraints, you can always hire a professional like ZenBusiness to take over the process for you.

Wyoming Articles of Incorporation FAQs

  • Check the Wyoming Secretary of State website to see the most current information on fees and methods of payment available.

  • Approximately three to five business days after filing your Articles of Incorporation, your business should be recognized as a registered corporation.

  • The Secretary of the State processes the Articles of Incorporation.

  • The Wyoming Statutes 17-16-101 through Wyoming Statutes 17-16-1804 govern the Articles of Incorporation.

  • No. It’s not mandatory that you have an attorney, but it can be an added benefit. An attorney will have the expertise and know-how of the entire process including all required documents, compliance issues, taxes, etc.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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Written by Team ZenBusiness

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