How to File Articles of Incorporation in Alaska

Embark on a journey to business success in the vast and untamed landscapes of Alaska by understanding the strategic advantages of filing your Articles of Incorporation, and explore our comprehensive guide below to seamlessly navigate the incorporation process, ensuring your venture thrives in the unique business environment of the Last Frontier.

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Completing and filing Alaska Articles of Incorporation is necessary for forming a corporation in Alaska. We’ll walk you through the form and show you how to submit it to the state.

The Articles of Incorporation are just one part of registering a business. Our page How to Form an Alaska Corporation will give you a broader picture.

Applicants will submit their information to the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development. This takes place under statutes AS 10.06.205, .208, and .210.

Once you provide the information and the department issues the articles, the information becomes public.

How to Complete the Alaska Articles of Incorporation Form

When filing, there are two options: hard copy and online. You need to submit hard copy filings via registered mail to the department. The department doesn’t accept filings via email. If you opt for the hard copy option, simply download the form and complete the relevant sections.

Online filing is a simple and convenient route to follow. You’ll find the document on the Alaska Commerce, Community, and Economic Development page. You simply need to select the entity type you’re applying for. This will bring up the necessary form to complete.

In all the business types, you have the option to complete a domestic (in-state) or foreign (out-of-state) application. A foreign application simply means that the business isn’t incorporated in Alaska.

Three Simple Steps to Find the Right Document

  1. Select “Business Corporations” on the Alaska Commerce, Community, and Economic Development page and open the dropdown.
  2. Choose the option for a domestic entity.
  3. Choose the Articles of Incorporation online document.

Once the document opens, there are six sections to complete. These are:

  • Name of Corporation: Your business name must be unique to the state. A quick search on the government’s website will reveal whether your chosen name is available. If you prefer, our name reservation service will make quick work of the process.
  • Disclosure of Corporate Purposes: This allows you to define the scope of your business and which industry it will fall under.
  • Registered Agent: Provide information on the person or entity that’s serving as your registered agent. This step is necessary under AS 10.06.150. We offer a registered agent service for our clients to help you meet this requirement.
  • Alien Affiliate: This section is only applicable if a person — juristic or natural — falls within AS 10.06.990. This particular code defines non-nationals (businesses or people) of the United States.
  • Shares: Shares cannot be zero on this document. It’s the number of authorized shares in the business. You’ll need to stipulate more than one class or series of shares.
  • Optional Provisions: These provisions are authorized under AS 10.06.210 and are only necessary in specific situations. An example is the address of the corporation.

Possible Supplemental Forms

Not all business types are the same, which means that certain businesses may need to provide additional documents.


Entities that fall within the professional services category will need additional documentation. Examples include real estate licenses and medical practice licenses.

Business Licenses

Alaska requires all businesses to maintain a general business license to operate in the state, but some industries will need extra permits or licenses to properly operate. Businesses in the liquor trade, pharmaceutical distribution or sales, and industries that require special permission to trade will need to provide proof of license specific to their industry. Check the state site for more information.

How to Submit the Form

Before you get started, be sure to have all the required information on hand. It’s also worth noting that there’s a fee to file for an Alaska Certificate of Incorporation.

After you’ve submitted your Articles of Incorporation, you need to keep up to date with all your filings, license and permit renewals, and important dates. Let us help you take care of that with our worry free compliance service so you can rest easy.

Via Mail

If you’re mailing your documents, you need to complete the credit card payment form. Acceptable cards include Visa, American Express, Discover Card, and Mastercard.

Documents are sent to:

State of Alaska Corporations Section
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811 – 0806.

Once the relevant division receives the documents, the process takes around 10 to 15 business days. These are estimated timeframes and can vary in different seasons. Biennial reporting periods are April through June and October through December. Processing may take longer during these periods.


Simply open the online document and complete the necessary sections. It’s important to note that the document refreshes when you use the left and right scrolling tabs. This will erase the information, and you’ll need to start over.

Online filing is immediate, and the relevant division works on it according to the submission date. However, seasonal fluctuations may also affect this. Payment is processed instantly through the online payment portal.


Registering Alaska Articles of Incorporation is a process that can be done on hard copy or online. The entire process, including the formation of the business, can be facilitated through ZenBusiness. Our extensive network ensures that you have a turnkey experience through our business formation plans.

Alaska Articles of Incorporation FAQs

  • For the most current fees and methods of payment available, check with the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development website.

  • The timeframe will depend on two factors: the method of filing and the season in which it’s filed. Hard copy requests take around 10 to 15 business days. The department works on online filings according to the date of the filing. Both these methods of filing can experience delays during the biennial reporting periods, which are April through June and October through December.

  • The Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development processes these documents.

  • All business corporations, including for-profit, nonprofit, and professional corporations must incorporate with the state of Alaska. Remember that corporations incorporate, and others are formed or organized.

  • Statutes AS 10.06.205, .208, and .210 govern the Articles of Incorporation.

  • No, you’re not required to have an attorney file for you.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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