How to Amend an Arkansas Articles of Incorporation

Elevate your Arkansas business with ease – amend your Articles of Incorporation. Dive into our guide for expert insights and step-by-step instructions, ensuring a smooth process and compliance with state regulations.

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Articles of Incorporation are the foundation of a corporation. Arkansas law requires each business entity to file Articles of Incorporation with the Arkansas Secretary of State before commencing business. These Articles of Incorporation contain:

  • The corporate name
  • Information about the number, class, and par value of the stock issued by the corporation
  • The name and address of each individual who’s starting the corporation (Arkansas law calls these individuals “incorporators”)
  • The purpose for which the incorporators organized the corporation

In addition to the mandatory information listed above, the Articles of Incorporation could include information such as the names of the corporate officers, management, and limitations on the corporate officers’ authority. They can also impose liability on the officers for debts of the corporation.

If you’re looking to start your own Arkansas corporation, head over to our Arkansas incorporation page.

Step 1: Understand when to file an Arkansas Articles of Incorporation amendment

The Arkansas Secretary of State requires corporate entities to file Articles of Incorporation so the business can operate lawfully in the state. Your company won’t receive the legal protections corporations enjoy if the Articles of Incorporation were never filed. Consequently, anytime you need to change, update, or add to Articles of Incorporation, you must file the changes with the Arkansas Secretary of State.

Filing amendments to your corporation’s Articles of Incorporation serves several purposes. First, the Articles of Incorporation are public information. The Secretary of State has this information readily available for any member of the public to view. Secondly, the Articles of Incorporation designate an agent for service of process. Finally, the Articles of Incorporation contain information for compliance and auditing purposes. 

Why is this important? 

Your Arkansas corporation cannot obtain a Certificate of Good Standing from the Arkansas Secretary of State if your Articles of Incorporation are not current. Foreign states require a current certificate of good standing to operate in their jurisdiction. Additionally, banks and lending institutions require a current certificate of standing to obtain financing. Thus, you limit your company’s growth potential.

Step 2: Gather the necessary supporting documentation and prepare to file your Arkansas Articles of Incorporation amendment

Not every change made to the corporation needs to be amended to the Articles of Incorporation. However, all changes made to the original information included in the Articles of Incorporation obligate you to file an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation. 

When filing your amendment, you should provide all supporting documentation for the changes. Also, you need to file the amended Articles of Incorporation with the Arkansas Secretary of State.

What information do I need to file with an Arkansas Articles of Incorporation amendment?

Arkansas law recognizes three forms of a Certificate of Amendment. The particular form to follow depends on whether shares are exchanged with the amendment or whether the corporation came into existence before 1987.  (Arkansas refers to “old code” and “new code” when referring to the Certificate of Amendment.) 

Step 3: File your Arkansas Articles of Incorporation amendment online or by mail

All amendments to the Articles of Incorporation under the “new code” can be filed online. The Secretary of State will accept a digital signature on these forms. Any “old code” corporations must submit amendments via mail. The Secretary of State will return a copy to you once filed then you must file the copy in the county clerk’s office where your corporate office is located. You have 60 days to file the amended form in the county clerk’s office.

If you use one of our plans, we can file amendments for you. Check out our full slate of services for more information. 

What changes are in a Certificate of Amendment?

Arkansas law has only a few limitations as to what you could include in your Certificate of Amendment. You should file an amended certificate when you:

  • Change corporate officers
  • Change the name of the corporation
  • Move your corporate headquarters to a new location
  • Employ a different registered agent
  • Alter any information otherwise provided in the original Articles of Incorporation

We are readily available to help with all of your compliance needs. Whether you’re filing an amendment to your Articles of Incorporation, changing your registered agent, or benefit from our worry-free compliance service, we are happy to help.

Step 4: Know the difference between an Arkansas Certificate of Amendment and Articles of Corrections

In Arkansas, a Certificate of Amendment is the form to use if you’re adding information to the original Articles of Incorporation, when you restate your Articles of Incorporation, or when combining multiple articles into one document. On the other hand, Articles of Correction fix ministerial mistakes such as correcting a spelling error or contact information. 

No one wants to get bogged down with compliance requirements when they’re trying to run a successful business. Our worry-free compliance service is the best way to avoid the mire of compliance. With our worry-free compliance, you have two amendments included when you enroll in the service. You can rest assured that we will help you remain compliant with all of Arkansas’s corporate laws.

For help with Arkansas Articles of Incorporation amendments and other compliance needs, we are here for you.

Contact us today to enroll in our worry-free compliance service. You won’t have to worry about filing amendments (you get two free when you sign up) because we will take care of that for you. We can also help you form your corporation, help you find a registered agent, and take the stress out of your compliance worries with our amendment services. 

Arkansas Amendment FAQs

  • Public and closely held corporations may need to file an Arkansas Certificate of Amendment. A nonprofit corporation may need to file as well as professional corporations.

  • The Arkansas Secretary of State charges a fee for each Certificate of Amendment filed. The fee depends on whether your amendment added shares or not. You should review the fee schedule every time you file a document with the Secretary of State to help ensure you submit the correct fee.

  • Usually, a corporate officer has the authority to sign and file a Certificate of Amendment.

  • You should file your Certificate of Amendment with the Arkansas Secretary of State. You need to file online if your company became incorporated under the “new code” after 1987.

  • A Certificate of Amendment and an annual report are not the same. However, Arkansas allows you to change officers when filing your annual franchise tax report in addition to filing an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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