How to File a Certificate of Incorporation in Oklahoma

Unlock the full potential of your business by filing your Articles of Incorporation in Oklahoma—a crucial step toward establishing a solid legal foundation. Dive into our comprehensive guide below to navigate the process seamlessly and set your business on the path to success.

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Are you ready to launch your corporation? One of the most important tasks is to file your Certificate of Incorporation with the Office of the Oklahoma Secretary of State (SOS). This form is one part of the legal paperwork you need to operate as a for-profit corporation in Oklahoma.

Bear in mind that when you fill out the Certificate of Incorporation in Oklahoma, everything in it becomes a matter of public record.

How to Complete a Certificate of Incorporation

There are three methods of filing the Oklahoma Certificate of Incorporation: online, by mail, or in person. You can download and fill out the form, or you may pick one up at the Oklahoma SOS Business Filing Department office.

Online filing is the fastest method, and you can pay the filing fee when you submit your certificate. You can pay additional fees to expedite the process. Check the Oklahoma SOS website for the latest fees schedule.

Questions on the Oklahoma Certificate of Incorporation Form

  • Benefit corporation. Oklahoma has the same form for both for-profit and benefit corporations.
  • Business name. This is your company’s legal business name, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the name that you plan to operate under. If you prefer a different name for your storefront and marketing, you can file an Oklahoma “doing business as” name (DBA) and register that name, too. Also, each legal business name in Oklahoma must be unique. The Oklahoma SOS’s website provides a convenient online tool for checking name availability.
  • Business designation. All legal business names in Oklahoma must include a designator as part of the name. While the most common ones are “corporation” or “incorporated,” there are several other options: “association,” “company,” “club,” “foundation,” “fund,” “institute,” “limited,” “society,” “syndicate,” and “union.” Abbreviations are acceptable.
  • Registered agent and office. You must list a physical address and the name of your registered agent. This may be a person or another entity that can receive legal documents on your behalf. They must have a physical address in Oklahoma and be available during standard business hours. You may appoint yourself as the OK registered agent, but if you’d rather be able to leave your office during the day, ZenBusiness offers registered agent services that can fit your needs.
  • Email address. The email address you list on the form is considered your primary point of contact for online communication.
  • Duration of the company. Some corporations have a limited period of existence, while others are created for an unlimited duration.
  • Purpose. This should be a general description of the function of your business. It doesn’t have to be fancy or overly specific. You can state something like “operate legally under the statutes for the State of Oklahoma,” for example.
  • Authorized capital. The number of shares you’re issuing and their value represents your authorized capital.
  • Oklahoma incorporator(s). The incorporator is the person signing the certificate.
  • Directors. Anyone who is a director must have their name and address listed.
  • Execution. Any of the designated incorporators must sign here.

Domestic (in-state) corporations only need to follow the incorporation steps above. However, foreign (out-of-state) corporations have a few more requirements.

Include necessary supplemental forms

To incorporate in Oklahoma, foreign corporations need an Oklahoma Certificate of Qualification (known in most states as a Certificate of Good Standing) in addition to a Certificate of Authority.

How to Submit the Form

The turnaround time for the form to be approved is about one business day when filed in person or online with an expedited filing fee, and about seven to 10 business days when filed by mail.

Oklahoma offers three methods of filing the Certificate of incorporation: online, by mail, or in person. Online filing is the quickest.

After you file, you’ll want to make sure you stay in good standing with the state. Use our Worry Free Compliance service to put your mind at ease and focus on what’s important.


If forming a corporation and filing the paperwork seems overwhelming, or if you prefer to let others handle your legal incorporation and act as a registered agent, then ZenBusiness can assist you.

Our business formation plans can help you file the right paperwork with the state of Oklahoma. We’ll help ensure you’re compliant with all relevant laws regarding your industry, and we offer client support for any questions you might have.

Oklahoma Certificate of Incorporation FAQs

  • For the most current fees and methods of payment available, check with the Oklahoma Secretary of State website.

  • The process can take as little as one business day or over 10 days, depending on the filing method and the office’s workload.

  • Certificates of Incorporation are processed by the Business Filing Department of the Oklahoma Secretary of State office.

  • Oklahoma Title 18, §1000 et seq of the Oklahoma Statutes covers all aspects of the Certificate of Incorporation.

  • While an attorney isn’t necessary for filling out the form, many new business owners prefer to consult with a business lawyer or organization that’s familiar with the statutes and the requirements.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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Written by Team ZenBusiness

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